Project Transport

Project transportation is a process that goes beyond standard transportation solutions and requires the transportation of large-scale, heavy and bulky loads. This process requires comprehensive logistics services and professional equipment. Barva Logistics, which specializes in this field, offers various project transportation services such as refinery and fuel processing facilities, factory and power plant transportation, steam and gas turbine transportation.

Planning and Coordination in Project Transportation

The project transportation process requires detailed planning and coordination. In the first stage, a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the load to be transported and the customer's demands is performed. Then, the most suitable and safe route for the load to be transported is determined. The equipment and vehicles to be used are selected and the necessary legal permits are obtained. The load is transported safely and delivered to the target point and the installation procedures are completed.

Transportation of Heavy and Bulky Loads

Barva Logistics has a staff specialized in the transportation of heavy and bulky loads. It offers solutions for the special transportation needs of its customers with its experienced team and wide equipment park. High quality standards and customer satisfaction are prioritized in the transportation of heavy loads, out-of-gauge loads and hazardous materials.

Sector-Specific Transportation Solutions

Special transportation solutions are offered for customers operating in sectors such as energy, industry, construction, oil, gas and mining. In this context, various services such as intermodal and multimodal transportation, port services, handling equipment supply, road permit and escort vehicle supply are provided. Barva Logistics also provides foreign trade legislation support and local information in project transportation services.

Multimodal Transportation and Storage Solutions

Land, air, sea and railway transportation options are offered in project transportation, considering criteria such as transit time, product features, origin and destination points. Flexible and reliable solutions are provided for the needs of customers with multimodal transportation storage solutions and transfer services.

High Standards of Service and Customer Satisfaction

Barva Logistics observes customer satisfaction and high quality standards in the services it offers in the field of project transportation. All processes are meticulously planned and managed, and the complex transportation needs of customers are met in the best way. Contact us for more information about project transportation and for solutions specific to your needs. Our expert team will be happy to provide you with the best service for the successful completion of your projects.